CLIMAINVEST | Air Conditioning - Cooling - Heating - Cooling Services Rhodes - Katsaras Stefanos

CLIMAINVEST | Air Conditioning - Cooling - Heating - Cooling Services Rhodes - Katsaras Stefanos

28985 Visitors:
Address: Synoikismos Theotokou
Area: Rhodes
Telephone: 6934533400,2241003567
Mobile: -
P.C.: 85100
Fax: -
Responsible: Katsaras Stefanos
Responsible phone: -
After a successful journey through time and with the experience gained from working with large companies in the field of refrigeration, we have the ability to offer services with complete solutions. With immediacy and mood always, as well as with unbeatable prices, in our space we immediately cover your every need ... Products: Airway fittings Professional air conditioners Ionists Air conditioner cleaners Home air conditioners Air conditioning filters Portable air conditioners ...
28985 Visitors:

Synoikismos Theotokou, Rhodes

28985 Visitors:

After a successful journey through time and with the experience gained from working with large companies in the field of refrigeration, we have the ability to offer services with complete solutions.
With immediacy and mood always, as well as with unbeatable prices, in our space we immediately cover your every need ...


Airway fittings
Professional air conditioners
Air conditioner cleaners
Home air conditioners
Air conditioning filters
Portable air conditioners


Also Partner with the company DAIKIN.


CLIMAINVEST | Air Conditioning - Cooling - Heating - Cooling Services Rhodes - Katsaras Stefanos Coolant leakage & fullness check
CLIMAINVEST | Air Conditioning - Cooling - Heating - Cooling Services Rhodes - Katsaras Stefanos Air conditioning compressor repair
CLIMAINVEST | Air Conditioning - Cooling - Heating - Cooling Services Rhodes - Katsaras Stefanos Air conditioning cleaning
CLIMAINVEST | Air Conditioning - Cooling - Heating - Cooling Services Rhodes - Katsaras Stefanos Air conditioner maintenance
CLIMAINVEST | Air Conditioning - Cooling - Heating - Cooling Services Rhodes - Katsaras Stefanos Repairs, Installations, Maintenance
CLIMAINVEST | Air Conditioning - Cooling - Heating - Cooling Services Rhodes - Katsaras Stefanos Air conditioning
CLIMAINVEST | Air Conditioning - Cooling - Heating - Cooling Services Rhodes - Katsaras Stefanos Cooling professional
CLIMAINVEST | Air Conditioning - Cooling - Heating - Cooling Services Rhodes - Katsaras Stefanos Freeze chamber
CLIMAINVEST | Air Conditioning - Cooling - Heating - Cooling Services Rhodes - Katsaras Stefanos Refrigeration trade
CLIMAINVEST | Air Conditioning - Cooling - Heating - Cooling Services Rhodes - Katsaras Stefanos Trade of air conditioners
CLIMAINVEST | Air Conditioning - Cooling - Heating - Cooling Services Rhodes - Katsaras Stefanos Heating pumps
CLIMAINVEST | Air Conditioning - Cooling - Heating - Cooling Services Rhodes - Katsaras Stefanos Heating
28985 Visitors:

Synoikismos Theotokou

Telephone: 6934533400,2241003567

Working Hours
